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Sacred reset to calibrate your energy & business
to your bigger vision.

A 6-week ritual-based program to help sensitive business owners recover from burnout, and rebirth a higher vision of their legacy.

hey legacy leader,

Getting caught up and disconnected happens to EVERY successful entrepreneur…
no matter how intuitive, conscious, or “woke” they are.

…and it’s hard to even recognize it until it’s too late and you’re burnt out.
Trust me, I JUST went through it ;)

It’s exciting to reach new milestones and number’s goals.

These high moments make it easy to get stuck in the grind;
the monotony of day-to-day business operation.
The problem doesn’t appear obvious from the surface…
it’s an intrinsic experience;

You get so lost in the motions of growing and scaling your business that your deep soul-yearning for something more gets overshadowed.

Fear keeps you pushing along.
It makes you doubt your grander vision…
and you’re *temporarily* swayed into believing what you’ve created is enough.
As convincing as it may seem, your energy shares a different truth.

Burnout happens.

You know why;
it’s because you’re using too much of your energy doing something that doesn’t light you up.


What you built is no longer in vibrational resonance with who you’ve become…
or who your soul knows you’re here to be.

Leader, you’re next level initiation is calling you.

You’re being invited into something greater;
To RISE into a bolder, more fully expressed version of yourself and your life’s work.

That evolution can’t happen by doing the same thing you’ve always done.

You need a SACRED PAUSE to reconnect with the voice of your soul
and receive the channeled wisdom guiding you to your next level of expansion.

Soul Wisdom was created for just that;
a ceremony to calibrate to your next level of success.

Soul Wisdom is the sacred space and channeled guidance to immerse yourself in potency available within a sacred pause.

It’s a self-paced course designed to nourish you into gently unraveling, awakening, and integrating.

Soul Wisdom invites you to crack open your inner temple so you can clearly see, hear, and feel the wisdom that’s within you guiding you to your evolution.


 The ideas of shifts and expansion you’re seeing for as possibilities for your business are REAL.

Unfortunately, between societal conditions, old disempowering programming, and lack of time/space for diving within — it’s easy to get stuck playing out loops that keep you in the dark from seeing your soul's potential and leading with true purpose.

It's time to reconnect with your soul and access the wisdom that lies within.

 What if?

➝  You could easily trust your intuition, honor that inner nudge to do MORE with your life instead of questioning and resisting it?

➝ It was possible to get off the pendulum swing of overserving yourself into burnout and depletion?

You could replenish your energy so you can see the clear path towards the evolution of your business that your soul has been craving? 

You boldly answered the deeper calling of your heart, and led a mission that made a difference in the lives of others AND lit you up with passion?

You were at peace with your life decisions after listening to your soul-callings instead of feeling trapped and unfulfilled by fear and uncertainty?

➝ You could rise above perfectionism and over-criticism of yourself, and find success and fulfillment through ease and flow?

You crafted the perfect ritual practice that guided you back into alignment, while also giving you direct access to the guidance you were seeking?

➝ You wholeheartedly believed that your soul's yearnings are more than just dreams, but directions that you can safely trust?

Answer the calling of your soul-


Meet Ashley DuFresne,

founder of Soul Wisdom

I once lived a very different reality. One where I was highly anxious from being overloaded with energy and 'scary' experiences without spiritual guidance to support me through. When I shared this with others, the experiences I had were written off as "overly-creative" and even "crazy."

Deep down I KNEW I was meant to help others and lead an important mission. Because of my disempowering relationship with my intuition and my soul, I was in a loop of reacting to life through trauma-response instead of leading life from my soul. 

This story is not unique and is shared with MANY empathic and highly intuitive people. 

Through my personal journey and formal training in psychology, clinical mental health, energy work, trauma healing, rite of passage training, ceremonialism, and channeling development, I have crafted a method that has helped hundreds of visionary leaders channel and actualize the highest and BIGGEST vision of their legacy.

 Soul Wisdom is an invitation for deep replenishment — to retreat, rest, be held.

It's like hitting the "reset" button

And re-starting from a space of soul alignment. This is a 6-week sacred pause & reset to connect with yourself, your intuition, your higher-self.

 Inside Soul Wisdom, you will…

  • Replenish from energetic burn out and come back into your highest alignment.

  • Sever from the veil that keeps you disconnected from your inner truth and audacity to shine bright. 

  • Get grounded and lay your foundation for deep healing and soul-expansive work.

  • Make space for yourself, your healing, and your spiritual development. This is your journey to awakening the higher, desired expression of your legacy.

  • Hone your intuition and communication with your Higher Self.

  • Connect with your soul and confidently honor your calling.

  • Learn about the power of ritual and implement practices that will lead you into courageous leadership in your life.

  • Confidently walk a clear path towards what your SOUL is calling you into.

It’s your time to rise, Leader

module breakdown


  • LESSON: Opening your energy and whole-being to this sacred work || Cracking open to awakening your channel to your soul || Grounding and realigning your vibration to conscious awakening.

  • RITUALS: Initiate soul's voice || Anointing oil intention initiation.


  • LESSON: Understand energy and how you can alchemize time and space || Mastering the Empaths energy-body || Unconscious absorption & story work.

  • CEREMONY & RITUAL: Proper cleansing ceremony || Bath ritual of declaration.


  • LESSON: Meeting all parts of self, functions of parts of my brain, inner programming, energy, and soul || How to access your higher-self || Awakening to your soul's voice || Navigating "bad" energy

  • RITUAL: Whole-self merging ritual.


  • LESSON: Connect and communicate with your higher self || Get to meet and develop a relationship with spirit team || Develop & hone your intuition.

  • RITUAL: Reinforce your receptivity and trust in the guidance and messages from the universe and your spirit team


  • LESSON: Energetically unfuckwithable-- calling back your power || Discovering your energy leaks || Transmutation.

  • RITUALS: Somatic Reclamation of  Personal Power.


  • LESSON: Leading your life from your soul's voice instead of fear || Identifying the difference between intuition and paranoia || Crafting aligned action steps towards your life's purpose.

  • CEREMONY & RITUALS: Reclamation + Empowered Soul-led ceremony || Recharging your anointing oil to energetically support you with post-program success.

 What’s Included:

6 Recorded trainings

● Integration exercises and deepening prompts

9  Rituals and Ceremonies crafted by a Ceremonialist (PDF guides + audio recording)

●  Private Authentic Embodiment Community; a private community space for past and current students to ask questions, share their experiences, and be a part larger soul-family community and have Direct access to Ashley DuFresne as your teacher and mentor.

● Additionally, you’ll gain access to monthly LIVE Q&A calls with Ashley DuFresne where you can get your questions answered about Soul Wisdom material, as well as extend mentorship and guidance as you navigate the sacred journey Soul Wisdom

Lifetime access to course material


Total energetic Investment:

$444 USD

Add More To Your Sacred Journey

In each module, there are rituals and/or a ceremony. You have the option to enhance your 6-Week Sacred Ritual container with sacred ritual tools to compliment your sacred events. The Ritual Kit was crafted to support your journey inside Soul Wisdom!

The Ritual Kit includes:

●  2 Light Code Attuned Bath Brews 

● Light Code Attuned "Sacred Empath"  Intuitive Channel Activation Tea Blend

● "Faery Essence" Soul Wisdom Essence

●  "Sovereign Soul Medicine" Soul Wisdom Anointing Oil


Please note: The ritual kit is optional but not required to experience the depth of what Soul Wisdom has to offer.
Crafting your own ritual kit can be an opportunity for you to turn on your creative expression and make your OWN ritual tools! 


When Does Soul Wisdom Start?

How does right now sound?! As soon as you sign up you are granted immediate access to the course material. If you choose to purchase the Soul Wisdom Ritual Kit, expect to receive it within 7-15 days after purchase. International shipping may take longer.

Is This For People Who Know Their Purpose Only? 

No, in fact, this container will help you step on the path of discovery and fulfilling your life's purpose, or support you in actualizing a new expression of your purpose.

What If I’m Ready to Take Action Towards Awakening the Higher Expression of My Legacy?

This container will support you in recovering from burn out while guiding you in reclaiming your power and foundation; gain footing in the evolution you are undergoing, and ignite your rebirth. Knowing the evolution of your legacy and living it out can look very different - oftentimes there are energetic, mental, emotional, and spiritual blockages holding us back from full life's purpose actualization. If you're looking for a gentle container to hit the “reset” button so you can clear the chatter and access the the channeling of your Higher Self, this is for you, if you're looking for a deep dive total life reconstruction and legacy activation -- check out my signature mentorship program, Evolve, where I guide leaders to the highest expression of their legacy so they can confidently live it out.

Is This Still For Me If I Don't Have A Spiritual Practice?

Yes, one of the appealing aspects of this container is the potent intended space held for spiritual practices. I know we all want to live intentionally, and life happens, it draws us away from deepening our soul's connection. Inside the Soul Wisdom, you're given rituals and ceremony directions for you to partake and deepen your spiritual practice, and soul connection. The weekly prompts will also support you in cultivating a lifetime of connection and intention through implemented spiritual practices.

 Luxuriate yourself into your next level of soul-led success.